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  • Banned Book Reading Challenge

    This past Friday, February 7th, Culture Club launched PPA’s first ever school wide reading challenge in the middle hallway during lunch – the Banned Book Reading Challenge! 
    🎉 What’s in it for students? 🎉
    -Winners of the challenge will win prizes like AirPods, movie tickets, Polaroid cameras, and more!  
    -Free Books & Stickers just for showing up to launch day.
    -A chance to read thought-provoking and powerful books that have been banned or challenged in recent years.
    🔍 How to Join the Challenge 🔍
    -Pick up a book and read something that’s been challenged or banned.
    -Classic children’s books, historical fiction, graphic novels and even books you’ve read in class – they all count!  
    -Simply complete a short survey using the QR code on the flyer for each completed book.
    -Students with the most book surveys will win the prizes mentioned above.
    Culture Club/ Ms. Tineo 📖✨
    Pelham Preparatory Academy
  • Knowing Rights

    Dear Pelham Prep Families,

    We understand that recent changes to federal immigration policy may cause concern and uncertainty among
    our school community. We want to acknowledge these feelings and assure you that the safety and well-being
    of our students remain our top priority.

    On January 21, the Trump administration rescinded a longstanding federal policy that limited arrests,
    interviews, searches, and surveillance at sensitive locations, including schools. We want to reassure you that,
    despite this change, New York City Public Schools have established clear and robust procedures to address
    any interactions with law enforcement officials, including officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
    (FBI) or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

    Access to school facilities, students, or student records by non-local law enforcement officers will only be
    permitted when absolutely required by law and only after thorough consultation with our legal department.
    Additionally, federal privacy laws generally prohibit the release of information from a student’s records to law
    enforcement officers unless there is a health or safety emergency, a court order, a lawfully issued subpoena,
    or informed written consent from a parent or the student (if the student is 18 years of age or older).

    We also want to make sure that families have access to additional support and resources during this time.
    New York City provides valuable resources for immigrant families, including information on how to navigate
    school life and protect your rights. You can find helpful information about services for immigrant families here.
    Additionally, there is guidance on understanding your rights in the event of federal immigration enforcement
    actions, available through the City’s Know Your Rights resource.

    We are committed to doing everything within our power to protect our students and ensure that our schools
    remain safe spaces for learning and growth. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
    reach out to your school’s principal or the central office for further support.

    Thank you for your trust and partnership as we work together to support all of our students and families.


    Benvenuto Ferron

    Pelham Preparatory Academy
  • Holiday Train Show 2024

    You are cordially invited to attend the Holiday Train show on Tuesday, November 26th at the New York Botanical Garden.  Please see the attached flyer for more information on how to register and take part.  We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with you!

    Pelham Preparatory Academy
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  • Library

    Lunar New Year Celebration

    Pelham Preparatory Academy
  • Midwinter Recess, Schools Closed

    Pelham Preparatory Academy
  • PSAT/SAT School Day

    Pelham Preparatory Academy
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